Ms. Ainslie Notes

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Posted: June 8, 2020

Happy Final Week!  For this assignment, you will need to search Canada's Food Guide or the Food Guide from your country.  My suggestion is that you do Part B first - simply a little chart of what  and how you typically eat during a three-day period.  Remember to be specific about amounts (Is breakfast one slice of toast or four?)  Part A is to plan a 3-day menu based on the Food Guide that you could and would eat.  Have fun!

PDF icon meal_planning_project.pdf183.31 KB

Posted: June 2, 2020

Good Morning, Bakers.  I haven't sent a recipe challenge for a while.  I am attaching a chocolate cake recipe that is very much like the one we would have made in class.  It's really easy, can be made in one bowl.  It looks very strange when you pour it in the pans because it is a very thin batter, but it bakes moist and delicious.  NOTE:  My recipe does not include espresso powder.  It's a flavor-enhancer so don't run out and buy it.  The cake and icing will be just fine without it.

I'm including the frosting recipe, as well.  Again, you don't need the espresso powder.

If you get to try it, send me some pics.

Posted: June 2, 2020

I found an interesting poster on an office wall, and "tweaked" it slightly.  Thought it was appropriate for us since our theme has been 'Success' this semester, and since I also teach Cul Tech.  Because we didn't get to finish our Encyclopedia of Success, I thought it woild be a great idea to write our own Recipe for Success, or Twelve Steps to Success.  Read the attached doc, maybe do a little on-line idea-search and come up with your own.  Love to have you email it to me before the end of the school year.

File recipe_for_success.docx12.69 KB

Posted: June 2, 2020

Here, as promised, is my 2020 version of the "Where I'm From" poem.  It might help you find some ideas for your memory-writing.  Much of it has been inspired by sorting through my mother's memories and belongings since her death iat the end of April this year.

File where_i.docx12.3 KB

Posted: June 1, 2020

Attached is a document which may be useful in planning your restaurant menu.

File principles_of_menu_planning.docx13.09 KB

Posted: June 1, 2020

Attached is a document which may be helpful in planning your restaurant menu.

File principles_of_menu_planning.docx13.09 KB

Posted: June 1, 2020

I like to start tying up the year with a bit of reflective and lyric writing.  This assignment lets you focus on memories and the things that have shaped you.  The first thing to do is to open the tw attachments and read the sample "poems" - all written in the same style.  The writers are looking back at their memories of growing up - special items and places and other things that have been important to them.  I've included two templates - they are almost identical - so that you can chhose one and begin filling it in to create the "skeleton" of your lyric writing.  After you have your skeleton, you'll need to add some descriptive words to help the reader (me) really "see" what you are seeing.  I'll upload my skeleton  and my finished lyric in the next few days.  Have fun!!

PDF icon i_am_from_poem.pdf90.11 KB
PDF icon where_im_from_template.pdf233.86 KB

Posted: June 1, 2020

Now that you have been thinking about recipes and food that you like, you might put some of those ideas into this next project.  Your mission is to dream and design your perfect restaurant.  Read through the attached document and begin planning.  You may choose to use PowerPoint or Word.  Make it colorful and attractive.  Include some visuals if you can.  Email me if you have questions or need help.  Have fun.

PDF icon restaurant_project.pdf178.05 KB

Posted: June 1, 2020

Now that you've worked on choosing recipes for your recipe book, you've probably thought about foods that you like to eat.  This next project is about dreaming and designing your perfect restaurant and menu.  You may choose PowerPoint or Word to do this.  Add some visuals if you can.  Email me if you have questions.

PDF icon restaurant_project.pdf178.05 KB

Posted: April 20, 2020


Google:  "Ted talk grit".  You should come to the video:  Grit: THe Power of Passion and Perseverance - Angela Lee Duckworth.  The video is about 6 minutes long.  Then go to the following website:

There are just a few m/c questions and you can determine your "grit".

Using the questions from the Video Response Sheet in the attachment, formulate your responses.Email me your responses by Friday April 24.

Posted: April 20, 2020

All about sandwiches.

1.  Research how and when the sandwich was created.

2.  List some types of hot sandwiches.

3. Define and find/give an example of the following types of cold sandwiches:  a)  canape  b) regular sandwich  c)  open-faced sandwich

d) decker sandwich  e) specialty sandwich (e.g. -sub)

4.  List several types of bread or bread products used in sandwich making.

5.  Research what is meant by a "dry" filling and a "moist" filling.  Give an example of each.

6.  Mini recipe book.  Add 2 hot sandwich recipes, 2 moist or salad sandwich recipes, 1 open-faced and 1 decker or specialty sandwich recipe.

Challenge:  Show me your sandwich-creating skills.  Maybe you're making a burger, a grilled cheese, a wrap, burrito, etc.  Send pictures of your process and your creation.

Posted: April 20, 2020

Who doesn't love cookies?!

Task # 1:  Do a Google search to define:  bar cookies, drop cookies, rolled cookies, no-bake cookies and refrigerator cookies. Give an example of each, if possible.

Task # 2: Mini recipe book - add 2 drop cookie recipes, 1 bar cookie recipe, i rolled cookie recipe, 1 no-bake cookie recipe and 1 refrigerator cookie recipe.

Challenge:  I've attached a very basic tea biscuit recipe - the one we would have started with in class, and also the basic chocolate chip cookie recipe that we would have made in class.  If you are able to try making one (or both), send me pictures!! Note:  I usually bake cookies for the minimum time, remove from oven and leave on hot pan for several minutes.  You don't want them over-baked.

PDF icon simple_tea_biscuits.pdf173.54 KB
PDF icon chocolate_chip_cookies.pdf169.61 KB

Posted: April 20, 2020

Week  3 Activities.


1.  Journal writing.  Choose 5 topics from the document "52 Journal topics" (see attachment). I am looking for a minimum of one paragraph for each ( 5 sentences).  Please email to me on Friday.

2.  Reading assignments will be on-line.  Please email me for website, and log-in info.

PDF icon 52_journal_topics.pdf300.93 KB

Posted: April 14, 2020

Important message!!  English 113 students have been registered in a reading website where you can complete reading activities and track progress  You must email me to get your log-in and password so you can get started.  I think this will be fun!

Posted: April 14, 2020

Home Learning Week # 2

Task # 1: Read the document attached (AoW).  Create your response using bullets 1, 2, and 4 found at the end of the article.

Task # 2:  Complete the "Correct the errors" sheet.

Task # 3:  Explanatory Writing.  "Rebels Hate Being Told What to Do."  Discuss you life as it is now under the Covid 19 rules.  How are you managing the Corona Virus Rules?

Email you responses by Friday.
