Mr. Soucy

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Posted: April 7, 2020

Week 1 Lymphatic system.

Hope everyone is doing great. I encourage each of  you to complete the weekly topics and learning sessions on the discussed topics. If you would like to submit your work for feedback, I encourage each of you to do so as it is a way and means for us to keep in touch with one another. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me .You can source your answers on the provided powerpoint entitled lymphatic system.


1. What is the Lymphatic system?

2. What is Lymph? How is it different from blood?

3.How does lymph flow in the body?

4.What are lymph nodes or glands? What is their function?

5.What are the major organs of the lyphatic system and what is their function?

6. What are pathogens?

7. What is our immune system?

8.What are the types of white blood cells? T-cells, B-cells?

9. How does our body fight infections and pathogens? How does it fight viruses?

10. What is Corona virus - Covid 19? Why are the Corona viruses so dangerous? List how we can protect urselves from this virus ?


Due Date: 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Posted: April 7, 2020

Week 1 Phys. ed 10 - Hope this finds everyone in good spirits. Hope evrybody is trying to remain active for 30 min per day. You can accomplish this by  going for walks or runs(cardiovascular training) , strength training, flexibility training, plyometrics, planks ,squats, resistance training and yoga. I encourage everyone to remain active in these difficult times of physical distancing. I also encourage students to complete weekly topics or learning sesions. If you would like to submit your work for feedback, I encourage you to do so.It is a means  to which we can keep in contact with one another.

Week 1 topic- Calculating your Target Heart Rate. Please complete worksheet.

Due Date: 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Posted: April 7, 2020

Microsoft Office document icon heartrateactivityworksheet.doc30.5 KB

Posted: April 7, 2020

Week 1 Sudents, hope all is well and you are settling in to this new normal. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or inquiries concerning our weekly topics or learning sessions. If you would like to submit your work for my feedback, I encourage you to do so . You can source your answers in the 2 powerpoint presentation titled" Bacteria and Viruses"and "Viruses".  For the Covid answers  please use the internet and source your answers PLEASE!

Topic 1 Bacteria vs Viruses review

1What are the types of Bacteria?

2. How do we classify Bacteria?

3. What are Heterotrophs/Autotrophs?

4.How do bacteria reproduce?

5. What is Bacteria DNA and Plasmids?

6.What are viruses?

6 How are viruses classified?

7.What is a bacteriaphage?

8. What is a capsid?

9. Lytic vs lysogenic infection. What are the differences?

10.What is a retrovirus?

11. What is a corona virus?

12.What makes the coid spectrum of viruses so dangerous? What is Covid -19?

13. How do we treat pathogens vs Viruses?


Posted: April 7, 2020

File viruses.pptx290.78 KB

Posted: April 7, 2020

Week 1 Bacteria vs Virus 

File bacteria.pptx992.98 KB



Biology 12-2 Viruses
Biology 12-2 Bacteria vs Viruses