Posted: April 29, 2020
Digestive system interactive site
. please review the following power point on the digestive system and answer the following questions .
!. What is the Alimentary canal?
2. Identify the 6 organs that make up the Alimentary canal and what is their function in the digestion process?
3. What is mechanical digestion versus chemical digestion?
4. Describe the process of absorption?
5. Describe the below components of the upper digestive system:
a.Oral cavity- saliva , bolus and enzymes,
b. Phayrnx - swallowing
c. Esophagus - peristalsis
d. Stomach - HCL
6. How many teeth does an adult human have ? Name the 4 types of teeth that we have, and what is their function?
Due May 5, 2020