Mr. Soucy Notes

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Posted: April 29, 2020

Digestive system interactive site  

. please review  the following power point on the digestive system and answer the following questions .

 !. What is the Alimentary canal?

 2. Identify the 6 organs that make up the Alimentary canal and what is their function in the digestion process?

3. What is mechanical digestion  versus chemical digestion?

4. Describe the process of absorption?

5. Describe the below  components of the upper digestive system:

     a.Oral cavity- saliva , bolus and enzymes,

     b. Phayrnx - swallowing

     c. Esophagus - peristalsis

     d. Stomach - HCL

6. How many teeth  does an adult human have ? Name the 4 types of teeth that we have, and what is their function?

Due May 5, 2020

File digestion_1.pptx116.87 KB
PDF icon digestion.pdf1.09 MB

Posted: April 29, 2020

If Darwin would have been able to collaborate with Gregor Mendel  he would of found out that genetics mainly genes lead to evolution.

Browse powerpoint on Mendelian genetics or review text chapter 11 pages 262- 284

read attachment on punnet squares 

complete genetics problem worksheet Due May 5 2020

This week we will coclude work on the immune system.

1. With regards to Carona,  Covid - 19, how was it named?

2. Disease experts have said, with regards to Covid-19 we have three options 1. continue social distancing 2. widespread testing to detect infected individuals and 3. develpment of a vacine. Explain?

3.Experts in the United States have said that by re-opening society and reducing social distancing that the death rate would only increase by 3%. If the population of the United States is 350 million, what would be the total number of aditional deaths.

4. If you had  100 skittles candy (97 good candies and 3 poisoned candies that could cause death.) Would you take a chance on eating the skittles? Explain your answer.

5.What are the following Immune difficiency diasorders Explain what causes them?

allergic reaction

multiple sclerosis





Biology 12 Week 3

Please answer your question in detail.

1. In Darwin's book "The Origin of Species", What were Darwin's two main ideas that he developed? Give an examplefor each that helped to formulate his wy of thinking.

2.Explain the process of natural selection?

3. Darwin never used the term evolution. What term or phrase did he use and what does it mean?

4.What is artificial selection? Give examples.

5. Darwin made 2 inferences on adaptations from 2 obsevations . What are they?

6. Describe in detail the overwhelming evidence that supports evolution..

7. Give 3 examples of adaptation that have occurred in animal populations.

8. Watch the video on finches and try to perform the following experiment.


Posted: April 7, 2020

Week 1 Sudents, hope all is well and you are settling in to this new normal. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or inquiries concerning our weekly topics or learning sessions. If you would like to submit your work for my feedback, I encourage you to do so . You can source your answers in the 2 powerpoint presentation titled" Bacteria and Viruses"and "Viruses".  For the Covid answers  please use the internet and source your answers PLEASE!

Topic 1 Bacteria vs Viruses review

1What are the types of Bacteria?

2. How do we classify Bacteria?

3. What are Heterotrophs/Autotrophs?

4.How do bacteria reproduce?

5. What is Bacteria DNA and Plasmids?

6.What are viruses?

6 How are viruses classified?

7.What is a bacteriaphage?

8. What is a capsid?

9. Lytic vs lysogenic infection. What are the differences?

10.What is a retrovirus?

11. What is a corona virus?

12.What makes the coid spectrum of viruses so dangerous? What is Covid -19?

13. How do we treat pathogens vs Viruses?