Biology 11 Human Physiology Week 3 Immune system

Posted: April 23, 2020

This week we will coclude work on the immune system.

1. With regards to Carona,  Covid - 19, how was it named?

2. Disease experts have said, with regards to Covid-19 we have three options 1. continue social distancing 2. widespread testing to detect infected individuals and 3. develpment of a vacine. Explain?

3.Experts in the United States have said that by re-opening society and reducing social distancing that the death rate would only increase by 3%. If the population of the United States is 350 million, what would be the total number of aditional deaths.

4. If you had  100 skittles candy (97 good candies and 3 poisoned candies that could cause death.) Would you take a chance on eating the skittles? Explain your answer.

5.What are the following Immune difficiency diasorders Explain what causes them?

allergic reaction

multiple sclerosis



