International Students

SSHS Internation Students Information Center

Posted: April 12, 2019

Posted: April 12, 2019

Posted: April 12, 2019

Posted: April 12, 2019

Posted: April 11, 2019

Posted: April 11, 2019

- Spirit Weeks: Students follow a theme, typically in how they dress, each day of the week and can participate in a break time activities.

- Events: The odd themed day, like Jersey Day, Ladies and Gents day, or days in honor of events (like those honoring the Canadian Flag).

- Colour Wars: Home rooms form teams which compete against each other during the year for points gained from a series of games or participation in activities.

- Fairs: The Fall Fair, for instance, wheres students spend an afternoon enjoying a series of activities, food, and music.

- Clubs: Debate, Cyber Titans, Reach for the Top, Renaissance, TADD (Teens Against Drinking and Driving), and many more.

- Talent Shows: Students gather during the day to watch their classmates demonstrate their skills and talents.

- Dances: Dances, like those put on for events, such as Halloween, and organized by various clubs from the school.

- Sports: Basketball and Volleyball, for instance, whose home games are open for students to attend and cheer on their Bruins!



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Added: Fri, Apr 12 2019