Posted: October 18, 2021
SSHS Families,
Thank you for your cooperation and support with this Rapid Testing Program.
SSHS has designated a location for staff to verify your child’s test results each morning. Please note that the Test Check-in location for SSHS is the West end entrance, on Gerard Street. Please direct your child to use the Gerard Street entrance as soon as they arrive at school, between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Staff will be there to verify test results.
A few important reminders:
- If you have two consecutive negative test results you may return to school.
- Store the test cartridges in a clean small plastic bag (e.g. Ziploc bag/sandwich bag). Your child will need to take the bag with the completed test cartridges to school on Tuesday, October 19th to demonstrate that they received 2 negative tests in a row.
- Continue testing each morning for the rest of your isolation period. Students can continue attending school as long as the tests are negative. Each day the test cartridge must be taken to school in a small bag to demonstrate that it is negative.
- Kits should not be frozen. Kits should be maintained between 2 to 30 degrees Celsius.
- Buffering liquid should not be ingested.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.
Thank you