Posted: February 6, 2013
Word of the Day: Caveat English 123: Read The Contender chapter 3 and chapter 4 (to page 39). Answer questions. English 122: Theme suggestons are in my dropbox under English 122 novel Themes file.Continue reading in novel. Continue making notes of references which illustrate themes that you may wih to discuss in your thematic analysis. English 113: Read chapters 3 and 4 of More Joy in Heaven and do chapter questions. English 122: "The Boat" Briefly summarize the effects of books and reading on the various members of the family. Use specific references from th text to support your answers. Explain how the narrator's relationship with his father reflects the central conflict he faces. Explain what each of the following symbolize in the story: the boat, books, brass wrist chains, cigarettes, the tourists.