Posted: April 15, 2020
Due Date:
Hope that all students are finding this system easy to access. Remember if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me.Over the next 2 weeks we will be looking at the important contributions of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution through natural selection. You can use the following powerpoint, your textbook or the internet to research your answers.Textbook chapter 15 pages 368-389.
1. What impelled Darwin to challenge the prevailing views about Earth and its life?
2. What was the Scala Naturae? Who developed it?
3. How did Carrolus Linaeus improve how we classify organisms?
4. How did Hutton's and Lyell's ideas influence Darwin's ideas and thinking about evolution?
5 According to Lamarck, how did organisms acquire traits?
6. According to Malthus, what factors limited population growth?
7. What is a summary of Darwin's theory of natural selection?
8. What evidence do we have to prove this theory?