Posted: August 19, 2020
We know that a lot of information regarding the 2020-2021 school year has been shared throughout the summer.
It is important to note that each school is in the process of creating their own operational plan. This plan is being created with the current parameters provided by the Department of Education. As you know, the instructions we are given can change quickly. We will do our best to keep you informed.
We want to provide as much information as we can and we want to prepare our students for their return in September. Please access the “Return to School: Guide for Parents and Public” for detailed information on expectations at the High School Level:
We have been working with the other high schools in ASD-N to try to maintain consistency across the District and we can now share the following Tentative Schedule for the upcoming school year.
Students attending SSHS for the 2020-2021 School Year will be divided into two groups:
* Students with a Surname (Last Name) from A – L will be GROUP A
* Students with a Surname (Last Name) from M – Z will be GROUP B
Please see below the schedule for the First Week back for students:
Tuesday, September 8th – GRADE 9 – GROUP A
Wednesday, September 9th – GRADE 9 – GROUP B
Thursday, September 10th – ALL GRADES (9, 10, 11, 12) – GROUP A
Friday, September 11th – ALL GRADES (9, 10, 11, 12) – GROUP B
Monday, September 14th – GROUP A
Tuesday, September 15th – GROUP B
Wednesday, September 16th – GROUP A
Thursday, September 17th – GROUP B
Friday, September 18th – GROUP A
Please note that students in each grouping may be subject to change based on course selections and any student affected will be notified by the school.
More information on Transportation, Start/End Times and other pertinent information will be communicated as soon as we receive it.
Thank you