Posted: March 12, 2020
Update and clarification to COVID-19 response memos
March 11, 2020
Who can’t go to school or early learning facilities?
On March 6, the Department directed anyone who had travelled to China, Iran, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and Italy over March Break to avoid schools and early learning facilities upon their return to New Brunswick for 14 days. On March 9, we issued a new memo to reflect COVID-19’s rapid spread. Now, the department is directing anyone who has travelled internationally to any country, including the United States to avoid schools, early learning centres and district offices.
Someone in our household has travelled out of the country, can my child still go to school/early learning facilities?
Our new directive only applies to individuals who have travelled internationally, outside of the country. If a family member has travelled, but your child stayed in Canada, your child can attend school or an early learning facility. The family should still self-monitor and if any symptoms occur in a child or family member immediately contact 811 for further direction. If the child left the country, the child is directed to avoid schools, early learning facilities and district offices for 14 days from the date of arrival in New Brunswick.
What if they came back on March 7th or 8th?
The decision was made in response to the updated travel advisories. As such, this directive only applies to those who returned on or after March 9th. This directive supplements the original memo. We still require anyone who travelled to the original seven countries to avoid schools, early learning facilities and district offices for 14 days upon arrival in New Brunswick.
Does this include trips to the United States?
Yes, this applies to the United States, with the exception of the State of Maine.
We live in a border town and regularly cross the border – how does this affect me?
At this time, there are no restrictions with travel to and from the State of Maine. Those regularly crossing the border are asked to be extra cautious monitoring their health.
I’ve travelled internationally, can I still pick my child up from school/early learning facility?
At this time, we are only directing travellers to avoid entering schools, district offices and early learning facilities. Please use your current school drop-off zones and/or contact your early learning facility to discuss a possible plan for drop off and pick up.
My child has travelled internationally, is my early learning facility still able to charge me if my child cannot attend for 14 days?
Yes, as private businesses they are able to charge you to hold a place. Parents who currently receive subsidies will continue to receive the subsidy as usual.
Why does my child have to stay home if children are at low risk?
While the Government of Canada currently assesses the public risk of COVID-19 as low for the general population, they have revised their guidance to note there is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians:
● aged 65 and over
● with compromised immune systems
● with underlying medical conditions
Keeping your child home constitutes an additional precaution to reduce risk in our institutions and communities.